I saw an old hand water pump, similar to the one we used on the farm in Missouri when I was a kid. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a picture of it.
Turtles on logs in swampy areas always attract my attention. This one was all alone; most unusual.
We rounded an area of grassy plains and heard some birds. They turned out to be Sandhill Cranes and they were not happy that we were there interrupting their day, so I snapped this picture and moved on quickly.
In every area you are likely to see a sign that you may not see anywhere else. In this State Park there was a dam which created a great place to fish. Apparently people are pretty successful, since they had to put the sign in the ladies room about the fish. The standard warning in English about staying off the dam was normal enough, but the picture one right next to it was likely meant for those who can not yet read or do not read English.
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