Whalechaser's Musings

No Matter Where You Go...
There You Are
Make the Best of It

Thursday, January 3, 2013

On the Road--Victoria, Vancouver to San Juan Island, Washington

I took a walk along the waterfront in Victoria and found these cute houseboats docked all in a row. It was apparent to me that the folks that lived there made the deliberate choice, cramped in a little and really enjoyed everything about it. It was interesting how many different ways they found to store their kayaks

So just because you choose to live on the water doesn't mean that there will be no traffic issues. Here the traffic normally is made up of boats but often it is a plane or two as well. Folks here come up with all sorts of ways to get around.

Later on the group traveled to San Juan Island, which is actually a part of the United States, there we took several tours including one of an historical farm site and a one room school house.  I always like to tour them because I actually attended a one room school house when I was a child.  Almost always the ones I tour are nicer than the one I attended.  Hard to believe huh?

I could not pass up taking a picture of this sign.  The folks on San Juan Island are SERIOUS about smoking and littering!

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